Where is the EUS Office?

The EUS Office is found at room number GWC123 in Head Hall.

When is the EUS Office open?

Office hours are 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM on weekdays.

How do I buy engineering paper?

An exec member will be in the EUS Office during Office Hours, and you can purchase engineering paper then. It is also typically available for purchase at the UNB Bookstore.

Who is my academic advisor?

Find your academic advisor here: Engineering | UNB

How do I get involved with the EUS?

If you are in first year, junior director positions are announced in November for the school year. Otherwise, EUS elections for executive positions take place in March for the following school year, and applications for director positions open shortly thereafter. Keep an eye on your email and our socials (@unbeus on Instagram and UNB Engineering Undergraduate Society on Facebook) for announcements!